Control Engineering Blog
Control engineers are knowledgeable in overall plant systems and the interactions of processes. They install and service a variety of systems including safety and security, energy delivery (hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical), communication, and process control systems…
Resources & News
How a load tap changer (LTC) works
The LTC allows voltage regulation and/or phase shifting by varying the transformer ratio under load without interruption, changes the ratio of a transformer by adding turns to or subtracting turns from either theprimary or the secondary winding also the transformer...
How to select a circuit breaker
Circuit breakers are used in the following: In power plants and substations, they protect the main equipment from overloading, short circuit and thus, partial or total damage which costs very much.In branch circuits, they protect mainly the cables from overloading and...
How a current transformer (CT) work
A CT consists of two sets of wire windings around an iron core, you can see how a CT is built in the next video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEBegU6bZB8&ab_channel=MeramecInstrumentTransformer Transformers work based on the principle of electromagnetic...